

FEELS... on a number of levels.

I've been listening to the Animal Collective album "Feels" a lot lately, one of their early-ish experimental albums/bonus discs. Here's a video to a live version of "Banshee Beats" played at Coachella 2006, which I'm not asking you to watch (it's more than 9 minutes long and poorly shot) but at least just minimize it and have a listen:


I'm becoming less dexterous. As in, I'm developping mountain man hands and losing my ability to do small movements with my fingers, like untie shoes and play the violin. When in Rome, right? That's what I thought… I just hope it's not permanent.

Rock climbing + skiing + wielding hiking poles + using pitchforks = super grip, poor needlepoint skills.


Digital deformities. I've seen several people in town with missing fingers, malformed fingers (one of my teachers has a left thumb that wants to be two, badly), entire hands gone. I've probably seen about six different people in Gerardmer alone that have these… problems. Shrinking gene pool, too much wood chopping, or both?



Nicole said...

i just recently got into feels over the fall as well.... i really love loch raven, it sounds like a little lullaby

Kiersten said...

words cannot express how badly I want to see the thumb that desperately wants to be 2