
Transatlantic Flatulence

Fromage de la semaine! (Cheese of the week!). This is gonna be a thing from now on.

Last week's cheese: chevre.

Notice the rind.

This week's cheese: tomme noire des pyranees rocabret.

Not the best picture, but I wanted to capture the quiet superiority of this cheese. It's what havarti always wants to be, but never, ever is.

Also, I've been reading this French music magazine called Tsugi recently, which is fantastic not only for its content (featured musicians include Animal Collective, Dinosaur Jr., Kanye West, Busy P, and DJ Medhi) but also for its slang. I'm learning casual swears, abbreviated conversation, and a whole lot about funky European electro artists. Nothing like a stinging interview with Paul McCartney to teach me the word for "bullshit" (connerie).

And this is a cartoon of David Guetta decapitating someone with a record:


Don Romaniello said...

Girl, work that stunky chaese.

Bill said...

Give us some of these casual swears! Almost everyone in my house speaks some level of French. I'd like to be hip when I insult them.

Rachel said...

well -- if you want to be really mean, you can call a girl a "salope" (cunt), or just a "putain" (bitch) if you're taking it easy. you can also tell someone that something is totally "dingue" (ridiculous), or that it's "le pire" (the worst), or that it's all just a "gros tas de merde" (big pile of shit). a rather vosges thing to say would be to say that something is "punaise" (it sucks), but since it's local, i don't know how much that transcends regional boundaries. if i think/come across others, i will most certainly send them your way :-)

Ro said...

Franglish, or "Comments by Robyn":
Post-surgery, mon cul is acting more like une salope. It still feels like un gros tas de merde et un fromage avec un trous.
