
Weekend with Billbug

Hooray for weekends off!

My psyche is warming up with the weather. I may be rolling along carelessly and quickly by the time summer runs out (hopefully in Switzerland! A vacation plan is in the works...), but then again I've always been on a seasonal/trimonthly cycle. (Every three months I reach a low point then have an epiphany... don't you?? I'm due for one right about now.)

I biked to the Fort Greene Brooklyn Flea on Saturday -- which I may have mentioned in an earlier post, it's quite worthy of double mention -- and did all sorts of liberal Brooklyn things, like sign up for renewable energy, chug homemade hibiscus tea, and absentmindedly look through worthless "antiques" as if I were going to buy something (I did). It's a pretty good time, and makes me feel a little proud, too -- I'd say about half of the vendors are young, creative, ambitious locals who just want to make a living frying chai tea cinnamon buns or painting stationery with beet juice, goddammit. I like the energy.

But Bill wasn't a part of that. I met him and some others afterwards at Hibino, a pretty standard-looking sushi place in Brooklyn Heights that has definitely above-the-standard sushi and tofu (homemade! delectable like flan). Our night ended with rude Brooklyn bartenders and Ren & Stimpy.

Most of Sunday was devoted to the Museum of the Moving Image, one of the most successfully interactive and visually exciting museums I've ever been to -- and it's in Queens! You can make your own stop-animation films, mix and edit soundtracks, look through old cameras, play video games. There are short films and experimental media exhibits playing on loop everywhere. 3D glasses were definitely involved. There is a "Jim Henson's Fantastic World" exhibit coming up in July, with this picture as the advertisement:



It's pretty great having vistors. I feel like I should get out of the city more on the weekends -- remember that lofty goal to get to Chicago? -- but there's always so much to do here -- and if there isn't, I'd just as well stay in my neighborhood, go on a bike ride or a jog along the East River, and fall asleep in the park reading and munching on baklava (I haven't done that). I love sharing my neighborhood and my experience here with anyone who cares to listen -- it was Bill's first time in Queens!

Having friends over also makes me feel at home, in an odd way. I remember in France, inviting my friend Danny over to my apartment for the first time got me so jazzed; I felt like I was bringing someone into my little personal nest that had formerly never felt the rhythms of the outside world, and I think it did me a world of good.

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