

Just read an article about Cory Arcangel in the New Yorker, who has a new video game/bowling/interactive exhibit at the Whitney. I normally don't care one way or the other about "hot, new artists" in the New York area -- do you? -- but this guy has a couple of funny Internet pranks/jokes/art/&tc that I like.

One part of his website automatically updates and logs every Twitter account that says "follow my other Twitter."

Another is a meta-blog, Sorry I Haven't Posted, that collects blog posts from people who blog about not blogging. Hilarious!

In What a Misunderstanding!, Arcangel captions every week's New Yorker cartoon with that phrase. Also pretty hilarious.

He's done a lot of other ridiculous projects, too, like locating the center of gravity for Starbucks in Manhattan; stripping Super Mario Bros. of all its code except for the clouds and then projecting them on a blank wall; instructions on how to trick people into thinking you have an iPhone (change your email signature so that it says, "Sent from my iPhone"); creating a Neil Patrick Harris-centered search engine (called Dooogle.com); and posting home movies of his old "band" he had with his sister ("Insectiside").

I kind of like it! Snarky, lowbrow stuff is beginning to feel like a dime a dozen these days ("these days"), but I get a kick out of it nonetheless (he even makes a video satirizing LOLcats... how's that for meta-Internet post-modern irony?).

And if you want to know where this guy stands, his stuff has been shown at the MoMA, the Tate Modern, the Whitney, and tons of other absurdly high-profile places. I have no idea how art functions!

Here's a picture of his "Clouds" exhibit:

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