
Cheese for Nicole

No, this isn't a retake on "Flowers for Algernon"; Nicole had asked me awhile ago to find a cheese called "epoisses," an intense, tangy cheese that the village-based Murray's Cheese Shop describes as "puddle-like" with a "succulent ooze."

A perfect after-dinner cheese, paired with a not too-strong wine, like a pinot noir... listen to me, talking about cheese like I know anything. Just don't eat it for breakfast.


Courtney said...

I bet it would be delicious in eggs though... is that sacreligious for high quality cheese though?

Rachel said...

oh, this is just your run-of-the-mill stinky grocery store cheese... it probably WOULD be good in eggs, on account of its saltiness. i will try it

Nicole said...

are you calling me a ri'tard with that flowers for algernon reference? bitch.

thanks for the vicarious cheese experience. :o)