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The gentlest trick someone could play on a passed-out person at a party:

And the Wizard is a savage. After watching her gleefully tear apart a thumb-sized cockroach last night, we decided to buy her a feeder mouse and let her have at it. She first grabbed it, carried it in her mouth over to her food area, then proceeded to smack, bite, flip upside-down, and generally torture the poor albino until she decided it was time to crunch its skull. She ripped its head off like a pro and ate the entire thing.

Not a great picture, but I think it really conveys her instinctive insanity. Halfway through her meal, she looked over to me and Don and gave us a cheerful chirp, thanking us for the adventure. It seems like a cruel way to feed a cat, but how much worse is it than giving her canned pig and chicken parts that have been similarly dismembered, if only by a Bible-belt factory farm machine? I think this could be the start of an exciting new time in the Wizard's little life.

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