Top interesting things of the past year. Most of 2012 was universally awful for me, so these are certainly the highlights...
1. Hiked in one of America's most beautiful landscapes: Yosemite National Park
2. Started on my master's in Linguistics at a great grad school: CUNY Graduate Center
3. Got back into reading sci-fi and playing video games: The
Mars trilogy,
The Algebraist, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy, Civilization 4
4. Became an actual, real-person editor: Oxford University Press
5. Attended the first two weddings of my friends and did some major U.S. traveling as a result: Salt Lake City, St. Louis, Finger Lakes, Rochester
6. Saw some baller live music: Crystal Castles, HEALTH, Beach House, Dirty Projectors, Dan Deacon
7. Owned (and subsequently witnessed the death of) a pet hedgehog... RIP Sax Russell
8. Entered homemade beers into our first competition: Homebrew Alley 7 (results announced today!)
9. Hosted our second annual Penultimate Day of the Year Party (and subsequently established it as a yearly tradition)
10. Did a lot of thinking
It doesn't sound like an awful year, but something about August through December was hellish. I have been more stressed during these months than at any other point in my life, and for the first time have experienced a real, very intense "Am I doing the right things with my life?" moment. Life has been a lot more complicated than I thought it was going to be.
The silver lining of what I realize is a very privileged-person struggle to be having ("oh no... my job as an editor at a prestigious publisher isn't what I thought it was going to be") is that I've developed a better sense of what I
don't want in life, and have become more skilled at dealing with the non-structured pace of life outside of an educational institution. It's both difficult and exhiliarating to not have to answer to an advisor (though you do have to answer to a landlord); to make decisions and hope that they're OK; to try to enjoy life and not go broke. My only one universal dislike of this whole adult thing is not having enough vacation time.